Protos check, a company wholly owned by Protos S.p.A., is an accredited inspection body and stands for excellence in third-party inspection activities, representing added value in terms of quality assurance and risk monitoring and control in the construction and management of engineering works.
Construction site inspections
Risk Engineering /
Loss prevention operations
We offer excellence to deliver value to your projects.
Protos check, a company wholly owned by Protos S.p.A., is an accredited inspection body and stands for excellence in third-party inspection activities, representing added value in terms of quality assurance and risk monitoring and control in the construction and management of engineering works.
Projects checked for validation purposes
Insurance Due Diligence reviews
Claims and Reserves
Due Diligence and Project Monitoring of
hospital facilities
We offer excellence to deliver value to your projects.
Protos check, a company wholly owned by Protos S.p.A., is an accredited inspection body and stands for excellence in third-party inspection activities, representing added value in terms of quality assurance and risk monitoring and control in the construction and management of engineering works.
Projects checked for validation purposes
Construction site inspections
Risk Engineering /
Loss prevention operations
Insurance Due Diligence reviews
Claims and Reserves
Due Diligence and Project Monitoring of
hospital facilities

«…Investing in risk analysis and monitoring processes is one of the key success factors in the realisation of infrastructure projects…»
Lorenzo Brogini
Director of Protos Check

Marco Pasqualetti
With significant expertise in the fields of structural engineering and geoengineering, Marco is an expert in technical inspections and risk analyses in the construction and operation phases of major infrastructure projects and real estate developments. He is constantly involved in the development of specialised technical services for leading suppliers and operators of transport infrastructures.

Enrico Tuccinardi
Since January 2016 Enrico has been working as a Contract Manager and Technical Advisor supporting the Protos Check International Insurance Business Unit, both in the assessment of risks associated with the construction phase of major infrastructure and civil projects, and in the management of major claims. He is the Head of International Projects.

Alessia Salvucci
Alessia is a clinical engineer who has been monitoring the construction and management of major hospital infrastructures (non-core services) since 2019.
An expert in innovative organisational models and the technical management of biomedical technological assets, she is able to devise and implement effective risk mitigation strategies in different areas and regulatory contexts.

Irene Vignati
Irene has been graduated in Architecture and Construction Engineering and has been working since 2021 as a Project Manager and Technical Advisor supporting Protos Check’s Insurance Technical Monitoring activities.
She is developing significant experience in performing technical controls and risk verification in the construction and operation phases of leading infrastructure projects and real estate developments.

Alessia Pavani
Alessia is a surveyor who is developing experience in managing and coordinating project reviews for the purpose of public works validation under the Procurement Code.
She supports the bid office in the development of technical documentation.

Francesca Mesutti
Francesca has been graduated in Structural and Construction Engineering. She is developing experience in performing technical checks and risk verification in the construction and operation phases of leading infrastructure projects and real estate developments.
She works as a contract manager and Technical Advisor supporting Protos Check’s Insurance Technical Monitoring activities.

Angelantonio Russo
Angelantonio, a graduate in Civil Engineering, is gaining experience in carrying out technical inspections and assessing risks related to the issuance of the Posthumous Ten-Year Insurance Policy. He works as a project manager and Technical Advisor, supporting the activities of Insurance Technical Monitoring at Protos Check.

Andrea Ghezzi
Andrea, an experienced Sales professional in the Inspection Division, has developed significant expertise in the construction and general industry sectors. A combination of technical skills and distinctive personal abilities that are crucial not only for effectively performing daily tasks but also for achieving long-term success, leading teams towards sales objectives, and establishing lasting relationships with clients.
Technical Assessment
Technical Due Diligence
Project Monitoring
Design Assessment
Structural & Seismic Assessment
Risk Assessment & Risk Management
Project Control &
Construction management
Project Control/Alta Sorveglianza
Quality Control
Property Outsourced Services SLA Monitoring
Facility Outsourced Services SLA Monitoring
Asset Monitoring
Business Strategy
Ispezioni di 2° livello su opere infrastrutturali
Process assessment
Enterprise Risk Assessment
Gap Analysis
Business Insurance Assessment
Insurance Due Diligence
Loss Prevention & Risk Engineering
Riparazione in forma specifica
Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Construction Claims Assessment
Accredited Services
Validazione Progetti (Codice Appalti)
Ispezioni di opere ai fini assicurativi in fase di costruzione
Verifiche di Riserve negli Appalti Pubblici
Outsourcing SERVICES
Technical Assessment
Technical Due Diligence
Project Monitoring
Design Assessment
Structural & Seismic Assessment
Risk Assessment & Risk Management
Project Control &
Construction management
Project Control/Alta Sorveglianza
Quality Control
Property Outsourced Services SLA Monitoring
Facility Outsourced Services SLA Monitoring
Asset Monitoring
Business Strategy
Ispezioni di 2° livello su opere infrastrutturali
Process assessment
Enterprise Risk Assessment
Gap Analysis
Business Insurance Assessment
Insurance Due Diligence
Loss Prevention & Risk Engineering
Riparazione in forma specifica
Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Construction Claims Assessment
Accredited Services
Validazione Progetti (Codice Appalti)
Ispezioni di opere ai fini assicurativi in fase di costruzione
Verifiche di Riserve negli Appalti Pubblici
Outsourcing SERVICES
Accreditamenti e Certificazioni Protos CHECK

Certificato di Accreditamento ACCREDIA n° 034E, in conformità alla norma UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17020 ed. 2012 quale Organismo di Ispezione tipo “A” nei seguenti settori: “Costruzioni edili e delle opere di ingegneria civile e relative opere impiantistiche, opere di presidio e di difesa ambientale e di ingegneria naturalistica”, per le tipologie ispettive:
- Ispezione sull’esecuzione delle opere (a fronte della Norma UNI 10721:1998 “Servizi di controllo tecnico per le nuove costruzioni”, delle leggi applicabili e dei capitolati della committenza).
- Ispezioni sulla progettazione delle opere (ivi comprese, quando richieste, quelle effettuate ai fini delle verifiche di cui all’art. 112 del Decr. Leg.vo n° 163 del 12.04.06, G.U. del 02.05.06 e al DPR n° 207 del 05.10.2010 art 48 o ai sensi di altre legislazioni applicabili e successive modifiche).
oltre a:
- Ispezione sui contenuti tecnici in ambito claims, riserve e contenziosi (in conformità alle specifiche del cliente e a norme di riferimento applicabili).
- Ispezioni sulla gestione ed erogazione di servizi immobiliari, in conformità ai livelli di servizio stabiliti dal cliente.
Pagina aggiornata il 26 Gennaio 2024