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ENERGY Our goal is to grow your business ...devoted to risk takers ...shaped for excellence! ...devoted to risk takers ...shaped for excellence! Protos Energy provides investors and energy & utilities companies with in-depth and recognised expertise in generation technology, energy markets and regulation, enabling the development of innovative approaches to anticipate trends and opportunities and ensuring end-to-end support across the entire value chain.

Growth strategies
for a changing Energy

Overseeing the Italian energy sector for over 30 years, with a group of over 30 engineers

200+  wind plants
1,3+ GW of power

4,000+ PV plants

5+ GWp of power

50+ hydroelectric plants
40+ MW of power


Protos Energy is a Protos Group company that has always been active in the technical control of plants for the production of electricity from thermal and renewable sources.

Protos Energy is the independent lender and insurance advisor of choice for players in the renewable energy and energy efficiency market.

The company has analysed thousands of plants for the production of energy (fossil fuels and renewable) and for end uses (district heating, industrial production lines, etc.).


In the last decade, Protos Energy has consistently featured in the top 6 places of the Technical Advisor world ranking published by Infrastructure Journal

(referred to renewable sources)


Protos Energy has been part of the GSE Inspection Group
(Controls Decree) – 2016

50+ cogeneration plants
50+ MWe of power
85+ MWt of power

150+ biomass plants
120+ MW of power

20+ district heating networks


Protos Energy is a Protos Group company that has always been active in the technical control of plants for the production of electricity from thermal and renewable sources.

Protos Energy is the independent lender and insurance advisor of choice for players in the renewable energy and energy efficiency market.

The company has analysed thousands of plants for the production of energy (fossil fuels and renewable) and for end uses (district heating, industrial production lines, etc.).


In the last decade, Protos Energy has consistently featured in the top 6 places of the Technical Advisor world ranking published by Infrastructure Journal

(referred to renewable sources)


Protos Energy has been part of the GSE Inspection Group
(Controls Decree) – 2016

200+ wind plants
1,3+ GW  of power

4,000+ PV plants

5+ GWp of power

50+ hydroelectric plants
40+ MW of power

50+ cogeneration plants
50+ MWe of power
85+ MWt of power

150+ biomass plants
120+ MW of power

20+ district heating networks

Emiliano Guerrieri

Photovoltaic Team Supervisor

Emiliano has fifteen years’ experience in power generation from renewable sources. He supports clients in analysing the risks associated with photovoltaic generation projects in order to assess their feasibility from a technical, administrative, authorisation and financeability point of view. He deals with the verification of contracts for the sale of energy produced through PPAs, as well as the verification of EPC and O&M contracts.

Antonio De Angelis

Senior Specialist, Energy Solutions

Antonio has fifteen years’ experience in the photovoltaic sector. He has operational responsibility for carrying out technical and insurance due diligence on behalf of banks, investment funds and energy & utilities companies, with the aim of assessing risks associated with investments for the construction of plants, as well as verifying profitability and regulatory compliance. He has developed in-depth technical and management expertise in the project & construction management of photovoltaic plants.

Vincenzo Carrarini

Team Supervisor, Energy Efficiency and Transition to Industry 4.0

Vincenzo has gained fifteen years’ experience as a technical advisor in the management and rational use of energy and environmental resources in major projects in the civil and industrial sectors. He has proven experience in risk analysis gained through the management of projects at major companies. He is specialised in the evaluation and verification of energy efficiency projects financed through third parties and energy performance contracting, and has gained extensive experience in verifying eligibility for tax benefits related to the Industry 4.0 Plan/Enterprise 4.0/Transition to Industry 4.0.

Egle Monteleone

Team Supervisor, Bio-Energy and Hydropower

Egle has proven experience in the area of technical consulting for renewable energy plants and in the structuring of medium- to long-term financing. She has in-depth expertise in the technologies and regulation of biogas generation and biomethane production, as well as many years of experience in the analysis of hydroelectric projects. She is responsible for numerous projects, managing and coordinating working groups in the field of due diligence for banks, investment funds and energy & utilities companies, with the aim of assessing the risk associated with investments by evaluating profitability, regulatory compliance and development opportunities in new markets. Over the years she has supported multiple clients in the evaluation of greenfield and brownfield plants, and in the preparation of business plans.

Maria Francesca Schisa

Consultant Energy Solution

Ha maturato competenze nel settore della consulenza tecnica per impianti fotovoltaici, in particolare svolge attività di supporto nello svolgimento delle Due Dilligence Tecniche ed Assicurative  per conto di Banche Fondi di Investimento e aziende Energy & Utilities; ha maturato conoscenze  in ambito di regolazione del mercato dell’energia prodotta da fonti rinnovabili. Ha inoltre sviluppato esperienze in ambito di progetti di scouting di società in ambito energetico per finalità Merger&Acquisition.


Technical Advisory

Technical Due Diligence
Project Monitoring
Project portfolio profitability analysis

Transaction Advisory
Property Services & Notary support

Design Assessment
Structural & Seismic Assessment

Risk Advisory & Risk Management

Energy Efficiency Advisory
Environmental Sustainability Certification

Project Control
Project & Construction management

Project Control/Alta Sorveglianza
Project & Construction Management

Property Outsourced Services  SLA Monitoring
Asset Monitoring

Business Insurance Advisory

Insurance Due Diligence

Loss Prevention & Risk Engineering


Outsourcing SERVICES

Litigation & Dispute Resolution Advisory

Perito – Expert Witness

CTP – Party-Appointed TA in Court
CTP Stragiudiziale – PA TA out-of-Court

Construction Claims Assessment

Appraisal & Market Advisory

Asset & portfolio appraisal

Market Advisory

Business Strategy Advisory

Process Advisory
Strategic Advisory

NPE Services & Advisory

Asset & portfolio appraisal (HBU)


Technical Advisory

Technical Due Diligence
Project Monitoring
Project portfolio profitability analysis

Transaction Advisory
Property Services & Notary support

Design Assessment
Structural & Seismic Assessment

Risk Advisory & Risk Management

Energy Efficiency Advisory
Environmental Sustainability Certification

Project Control
Project & Construction management

Project Control/Alta Sorveglianza
Project & Construction Management

Property Outsourced Services  SLA Monitoring
Asset Monitoring

Business Strategy Advisory

Process Advisory
Strategic Advisory

Business Insurance Advisory

Insurance Due Diligence

Loss Prevention & Risk Engineering


Outsourcing SERVICES

Litigation & Dispute Resolution Advisory

Perito – Expert Witness

CTP – Party-Appointed TA in Court
CTP Stragiudiziale – PA TA out-of-Court

Construction Claims Assessment

Appraisal & Market Advisory

Asset & portfolio appraisal

Market Advisory

NPE Services & Advisory

Asset & portfolio appraisal (HBU)

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